Collection: Listen Boys & Girls Consulting

Listen Boys & Girls Consulting is a platform that connects caring individuals to complicated life transitions at the place of truth, transparency, and transformation.  The founder, Donna Gayles, developed the concept organically from a very specific place of soft sentiment and care that she experienced at a very young age.  "I had a beautiful kindergarten teacher who had such a wonderful way with children.  While some teachers were committed to their own understanding and ways to approach children, this teacher was concerned about connecting with us as individuals."  The mission of Listen Boys & Girls Consulting is to ensure that each individual experiencing life's transitions can connect with the guidance that comes from the purest place.  The Vision:  "We seek to improve exponentially the quality-of-life care experience for individuals and families by promoting informed compassionate conversations, coaching and choices, which move individuals and families from trauma to triumph by providing education and information to our clients."  Please view our available shirts below.  We appreciate your support!